Here, an asphalt driveway is transformed into a romantic entry garden. Peeling back the pavement delivers immediate rewards and gets the car out of the garden. Remove some asphalt and reclaim the garden!

A pair of stone columns and landing extend an invitation from the driveway and creates a strong sense of entry. Ornamental gates swing into the garden. A stone threshold with ornamental gates makes an inviting entry.

Layout a gracious pathway. A wide gravel pathway has a nice crunch and is an inexpensive alternative. Stone edging keeps the path crisp and clean. In this garden, a rose arbor and olive trees intimate the journey and protect visitors from the sun. A gracious and intimate walk offers an enjoyable transition from driveway to the front door.

Plant a pleasant atmosphere. Colorful perennials highlight the entry and excite the senses. Olive trees, roses, flowering perennials and colorful ground compose a layered border. Colorful and layered plantings are a pleasant escort.

Focus and clarify the entry. A fountain draws visitors into the garden with sound and movement. Strong lines layout clear direction. A focal point and strong lines create a clear and inviting entry.

Welcome visitors with a clear and gracious entry layered with beautiful plantings. Draw visitors in and entertain them with sound, movement, and color. Peel back the pavement and replace the asphalt with a romantic garden!